Route Description and Environment
With its majestic and imposing Cotopaxi Volcano as the main attraction, this park is one of the most visited by foreign tourists in continental Ecuador. In 2015, the Cotopaxi volcano began a new eruptive process, but in Mejia, preparation and response actions were undertaken to provide security to all tourists entering our canton.
Inside the park from the north control, you can visit the Limpiopungo lagoon and part of Rumiñahui Volcano and can do activities like hiking, horseback riding, biking and camping.
This area has a volcanic landscape with characteristic of this ecosystem moorland and flora. It represents an important water source for nearby cities.
Sights on the route
Flora and Fauna
Cotopaxi Volcano
Rumiñahui Volcano
Sincholagua Volcano
“Chagra” Culture
Facilities that Enhance the Experience